The projects listed here consist of a mix of personal projects and ones related to my work. I have included some that I have engaged with on my own initiative but whose ownership lies with my employer. Those ones are, for obvious reasons, not publicly available.
A abstraction library for interacting with vehicle CAN networks at the ECU level, rather than individual messages.
A abstraction library for interacting with vehicle CAN networks at the ECU level, rather than individual messages.
A wrapper around the API provided by Intrepid Control Systems for communicating with their NeoVI range of devices.
A wrapper around the API provided by Intrepid Control Systems for communicating with their NeoVI range of devices.
Games & related tools
GSB hull editor
A graphical tool for creating hull graphics and related configuration information for Gratuitous Space Battles by Positech Games.
A graphical tool for creating hull graphics and related configuration information for Gratuitous Space Battles by Positech Games.
Virtual FloBoss outstation
A virtual FloBoss/ROC outstation, configurable to reflect real FloBoss/ROC devices.
A virtual FloBoss/ROC outstation, configurable to reflect real FloBoss/ROC devices.